Our team
Maria Agustina was born in Buenos Aires. There she graduated as Lawyer with Honor Diploma issued by the UBA.
She has more than twenty five years of professional trajectory, with a comprehensive look acquired after ten years of work in the PJN and fifteen independently. This experience is complemented by the Teaching work performed over almost ten years in the chair of Civil V of Dr. Bossert, from the UBA.
She has an Specialization in Family Law from the UBA, a Juvenile Criminal Diploma of the USI and with numerous independent courses where it has incorporated tools - mediation, nlp, negotiation, restorative justice and communication- for the extrajudicial approach to conflicts involving Children and Adolescents.
She has entered by contest Public Background Contest to the Council of Rights of NNyA of the CABA, to the PJN and to the Registry of Lawyers of Friends of the Children of the CPACF.