Code of ethics
The purpose of this code of ethics is to establish the guidelines of conduct that govern Generating Nexos and that must be observed by all its members, that is, by the members of the Board of Directors and by all those who work in the organization, whether they are hired or volunteers. All members of the Foundation must assume the commitment to comply with this code.
1. Commitment of the organization:
Generating Nexos is a non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit organization. whose mission is to develop and promote initiatives that address problems/themes in the field of inclusion, education and community development.
2. Values:
All members of Generando Nexos must perform with honesty, integrity and rectitude, adhering to the values of commitment, effort and responsibility that are promoted in all its programs and activities.
3. Conflict of interest:
If any member of Generating Nexos has a conflict of interest that may interfere with the organization's decision-making, they must report its existence and refrain from participating in decision-making in which said conflict exists.
Any member of Generando Nexos with a significant economic interest in any organization that has the role of donor, sponsor or provider of said organization, must inform it. The members of the Board of Directors must inform the Board if they hold a management position in other non-governmental organizations or if they hold any public office related to educational issues.
4. Confidentiality:
All members of Generating Nexos must ensure the confidentiality of all non-public information of the organization
5. Financing:
Generando Nexos' financing comes from donations, contributions or legacies provided by institutions, organizations and people in the country and from events or services developed by the organization itself.
Generating Nexos does not receive contributions from Institutions or people that could compromise its objectives and/or principles.
6. Transparency and accountability:
Generating Nexos conducts its operations with total transparency. The statute, memory, balance sheet and this code of ethics are publicly accessible. The web page and the presentation material communicate the main activities of Generating Nexos, the names of the main funders, the results of the programs and the application of the funds.
7. Compliance with the law:
Generando Nexos faithfully complies with the law in all its activities.
8. Gifts:
No member of Generating Nexos should accept gifts that may influence the course of the organization's activities or that may compromise the integrity of its work and public image. Any gift received must be reported to the Executive Director who will be responsible for deciding the conduct to follow in each case.
9. Induction, implementation and violations of the Code of Ethics
The Board of Directors, the Management Team and the Human Resources area are responsible for transmitting this code to all members of the organization. All members of Generating Nexos must ensure compliance with this code of ethics and can raise any case related to its non-compliance with the Ethics Committee, or doubts about its application.